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Public consultation launched into Shrewsbury Moves strategy

People are being asked for their views on proposals to change the way they might move around Shrewsbury town centre in the future - with a raft of ambitious ideas up for debate.

Shrewsbury Moves - a 10-year vision and plan for transforming movement, growing the economy and making the town a better place to live, work and visit - has been unveiled by the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership.

Now the partnership, made up of Shropshire Council, Shrewsbury Town Council and Shrewsbury BID (Business Improvement District), has launched an eight-week public consultation into the strategy.

A display explaining the range of proposals, which include introducing three traffic loops to reduce the number of vehicles driving straight through the town centre, will be based in St Mary’s Church from January 26 until March 22.

Drop-in sessions when members of the Big Town Plan Partnership and experts from PJA, who developed the strategy, will be available to answer questions, will take place on Wednesday January 31 (1pm-7pm), Thursday February 1 (10am-4pm) and Saturday February 10 (10am-4pm).

The Shrewsbury Moves Town Trail also launched on Friday, January 26, which people can follow around the town centre to see how some street scenes might be able to change in the future.

Central to the consultation will be this interactive website which will guide people through the strategy and enable them to give feedback and make comments as they view each proposal.

Councillor Ian Nellins, Shropshire Council’s representative on the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership, said:

“We are excited about sharing this strategy, which contains some really interesting and positive ways to change Shrewsbury town centre for the better. The strategy suggests introducing traffic loops, enabling a two-way bus corridor along Dogpole and improving the park and ride service amongst many other things - there is a lot to consider so I would urge everyone to get involved with the consultation to make their views known.”

Councillor Alan Mosley, Shrewsbury Town Council’s representative on the Big Town Plan Partnership, said:

“This strategy will enable us to take the next step, as agreed in the original Big Town Plan document, to reduce the amount of traffic in our town centre, while greatly improving access to public transport, providing facilities for active travel and making our street scene much more inviting. We aren’t suggesting every proposal will happen overnight - it very much depends on the outcome of this consultation - and I am looking forward to hearing people’s views.”

Seb Slater, executive director of Shrewsbury BID, added:

“One of the key aims of the strategy is to help our town centre evolve into an even more appealing place to visit and do business. We are urging our members to engage with this consultation to ensure their voices are heard regarding the range of proposals outlined in the strategy.”

Posted on 2nd February 2024

by Big Town Plan Partnership